Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Great Divide

You know what the problem with our nation is?  There are too many Democrats.  Just kidding.  But, in all seriousness, I believe this nation is divided into two groups who have completely different beliefs about the role of government.  While conservatives generally believe that people are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness (if you don't recognize that quote, please do me a favor and read the Declaration of Independence).  Liberals, on the other hand, believe that people should, for some reason, be given life, liberty, and happiness by their government.  Although I admit that I'm pretty biased, I often wonder why the Liberals think that people have the right to other peoples money.  Or why people have the right to a certain standard of life, whether or not they work for it.  Although I understand that Liberals are usual well-meaning people, I think that if they are going to endorse taking money from hard-working people and giving it to bums (or even hard-working impoverished people) they need to have some justification.  While our founding fathers founded their beliefs on God and the Bible, it seems that the Liberals mostly found their beliefs in motional appeals.  While I think it's wonderful that Liberals want to help people, I think it might be a good idea if they gave people a reason why, as the claim, it is ethically imperative that people who are harder-working, smarter, or even just more lucky be forced to give their wealth to people who either work less, are less smart, or less fortunate.  It just feel that before they control other people and take money from them that they should have a reason better than their feelings.  But, I guess my feelings just shouldn't count because I'm too young to vote.

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