Friday, May 27, 2011

Muslim Democracy

I know that I am one of a very small number of people who think this, but I'm gonna throw this out anyway.  After all, that's what blogs are for.  Anyway, I think that the "Arab spring" is going to end up creating nations that will not look anything like what we think of when we hear democracy.  As I believe I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I do not think that a democracy can function without being based on christian values.  Without christian values, there is no reason why people shouldn't exploit the system or do whatever they want.  This forces the government to either introduce more regulations or allow the selfishness to ruin the nation.  Neither of these are good, as regulating causes people to have less freedom and less room to prosper and live what we would call the american dream.  

Another reason that I think that Muslim world will not experience true democracy for very long is that the muslim faith makes it almost impossible.  It is, quite frankly, impossible to have democracy under sharia law, and any nation that permits the practices of sharia law, such as honor killings, wife beatings, polygamy, and persecution and killing of those from other religions will by no means be a free nation.  There is nothing in sharia law about liberty and justice for all, rather it tells muslim men how they can abuse, rape, kill, slander, and lie to others.  

To back this up a little, I have heard a number of reports from trustworthy sources that the christians living in muslim countries support the tyrannical regimes because they are worried what more the muslims will do to them when they are no longer restrained by the tyrannical governments and are allowed to rape and pillage christians to their hearts content.  Of course, not all muslims are this way, I'm sure a large number of them, maybe even the majority, are decent people who are muslim simply to avoid persecution from their more radical brothers.  That, however is not the point.  Even if only a small percentage of people carried out sharia law and persecution of Christians, that is still a huge problem for the christians in the middle east.

Of course, the christians won't be the only ones who are harmed.  Any people group with those values that attempts to govern themselves will be miserable and impoverished.  You just can't have a successful nation with those values.  If you disagree, just look at how these muslim countries are doing right now.  Look at all the innovation that has been coming from the formerly christian west and compare it that of the muslim world. Look at where the worlds poorest countries are.  Most of them are muslim and the rest are catholic.  Turning these countries into democracies will only make the problem worse, as the restraining hand of tyranny is lifted and the vile corrupt human nature is released.

Although I feel for the people who are suffering under tyranny, I worry that it will be replaced with something much worse.

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