Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bin Laden is dead

Well, as I'm sure you know, the worlds most wanted was finally been killed.  And it was the US and not the French or the British, shocker of shockers.  Turns out we can still do things we put our minds to here in the US, our only trouble is putting our minds to worthy goals and keeping them there.  And, of course, the biggest part of this is that the president finally has can take credit for something that almost everyone thinks is a good thing.  After achieving many "accomplishments" like Obama Care and more than tripling our debt that those stupid ignorant tea-party bigots don't take to, Obama can now claim responsibility for the one of the greatest victories of Bush's war on terror.  The day that it was announced, his buddies in the media began pointing out the strategic shift Brother Obama has brought to the war, such as using small operations instead of large scale ones.  After all, its not like Bin Laden was hiding in a small compound because of Bush's large sale attack, he just decided he liked hiding in a little fort with no phone or internet better, right?  Obviously this is yet another example of the superiority of Obama to Bush, as evidenced by soaring gas prices, crushing national debt, and other signs of his superior intellect and skills as a lier.  I mean, leader.

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