Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cutting the Military

Whenever the republicans start trying to cut the budget, democrats love to say "good idea, lets cut the military".  Although it would seem that the republicans should cut the military because of their position on spending, here is my argument for why they should not.  First and foremost, the military is the only program that the government has a responsibility to maintain.  The Biblical and Historical function of government is solely to protect the people.  It's always been up to the individual to get a job, make a living, pay for medical bills, and provide for old-age, but the government's single important task is to defend the people both from internal criminal threats and external martial threats.  The helping the needy and providing for the elderly is an important part of biblical teachings.  Individuals are often exhorted to help the needy and oppressed, but government is solely to ensure that an individuals life and rightful possessions are not taken unlawfully.  It almost seems that government has been moving to do the opposite in this country.  From our elevated tax system, to excessive government regulations on the private sector, to cutting defense, our government seems to be far more about gaining control than protecting the sovereign rights of individuals.  Even our deficit is a concern to national defense, and the government refuses to fix it.  Like I said in my last post, compromising isn't going to work.  We're headed in the opposite direction of where we should be.  We need people in our government who will stand by their values and push through reform, not allow us to slide any further down the path to economic collapse an anarchy.

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