Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Doing What's Best for the American People

Recently we have heard from all over the place that congress needs to stop playing politics and "do what's best for the american people".  It also seems that the majority of americans are of this opinion, which I find quite discouraging.  The republicans bid to cut spending is not playing politics, as far as I'm concerned, it IS what's best for the american people and the Democratic refusal to take part in any real spending cuts is a shocking as it is depressing.  It is the Democrats, including President Obama, who want to maintain popular wasteful spending and fight entitlement reform, who are playing politics and keeping the government from fixing the problem.  The problem is not congress, the problem is not the Tea Party.  The Tea Party, as far as I can tell, is the only movement that sticks to its principals and does what's best for america instead of getting in the way of reform and a desperately needed reigning in of spending.  After the failure of our government to cut spending THANKS TO THE DEMOCRATS the stock market has been lurching around all over the place and it is clear that to restore consumer confidence and our AAA rating it will take some real, legitimate spending cuts.  People have compared the debates in washington to small children bickering over a toy.  I will fix this il-formed analogy by altering and expanding it somewhat.  An adult, the republicans, is trying to take the toy (the United States) from a child, the democrats, who are trying to throw the toy into a furnace where it will be consumed and destroyed.  The child, meanwhile, is calling the adult names like "racists" "extremist" and "terrorist" and telling it to stop fighting over the ball and come to an agreement.  The child, of course, won't accept any agreement that doesn't end with the toy in the furnace, but it is willing to consider an and every method of getting it in, some slower than others, and thereby compromise with the adult.  What we need in Washington is not more compromising, we need more politicians with conviction who are serious about cutting spending and growing the economy NOT through keynesian methods, but by cutting taxes and giving the american people the ability to grow and prosper, thereby creating enough revenue for the government.  It has become clear now that Obama will not cut spending in any significant way and that if he cuts at all he wishes to only cut the military, which should be left alone for reasons I will explain in my next post.  Unless a miracle happens, it would seem that we will have to wait till the next election to fix this every growing problem.

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