Wednesday, August 31, 2011


A couple days ago I heard in the news (Fox news radio) that Islamophobia has been on the rise.  The evidence for this case was that there have been many states that have banned sharia law.  I found this pretty confusing.  How is that evidence of Islamophobia.  After all, I'm pretty sure that it's already illegal to beat people for fornication in most areas of the country.  If the practices of sharia law are illegal, then I don't see why it's all that bad for states to clarify that it is, even though I don't get why they need to.  After all, if someone tried to practice laws of other nations here and started stoning people, they would be jailed and there would be no controversy.  The fact that sharia law is part of the Muslim faith doesn't really convince me that it should therefore be legal to be barbaric, especially towards people who may not want to be Muslims anyway but fear retribution if they convert to some other religion, like Fathima Rifqa Bary, who fled her home to escape an honor killing.  Of course, maybe I am an Ismophobe.  After all, I don't want to get killed for being a Christian or live with seeing people being brutally beaten, amputated, stoned, or crucified.  In that case, I don't want it to be legal to practice sharia law and some other parts of the Muslim religion that are already illegal.  Of course I can't see why the liberals want sharia law either.  They certainly don't appreciate people who believe that the right thing to do is shoot down as many people as possible to try to get your point across.  How are these beliefs any worse than the Muslim faith?  Why do they appear to want Sharia law but not terrorism?  Why is being an Islamophobe so bad if it means not wanting it to be legal for someone to kill me?  Somehow I don't think I'll find the answer on the evening news.

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