Wednesday, July 6, 2011

07/06/2011, 20:27 EST

Well, we made it to our hotel almost two hours ago and have settled in a bit.  Unfortunately, my sister has come down with something that looks like the flu and she's been vomiting and looking green, literally.  On the bright side, however, we really enjoyed driving through New Mexico and Colorado, especially some of the mesas in New Mexico, which were incredible.  It was also amazing how different the landscape got as soon as we entered Colorado, with a drop in temperature and vastly more greenery.  I hope that my sister has one of those fast and furious flues, 'cause otherwise she has the furious and really long flu.  While I'm hoping you can also pray that the rest of the family stays healthy.

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed!?! All I could think about was staying alive in Colorado!
