Monday, July 11, 2011

7/10/2011, 22:38 EST

It is currently Sunday the 7th 8:38 local time.  But that is inconsequential because I'm writing about what happened yesterday anyway.  Today [yesterday] we went to Zion and Bryce National parks [yes, I found out that Bryce is spelled with a y and not an i.  I'd never seen the word written before today {yesterday}].  Both Canyons were spectacular and I enjoyed myself immensely.  On our way to the parks, however, we stopped at a vista just outside of the Grand Canyon.  In addition to a fabulous view, I noticed a Western Scrub Jay and a Juniper Titmouse at the vista, which are both new for me.  I also noticed that the black birds in the parking lot were Brewer’s Blackbirds, not Common Grackles

Zion was absolutely gorgeous, and I put it on par with the Grand Canyon.  The first thing we saw was the checkerboard mesa, which was really neat.

After that it was just huge shear mountains and lush greenery along the Virgin river.

I also saw some interesting wildlife, including wildflowers and lizards, and Black-headed Grosbeaks.

Hmm. . . that moth looks tasty

Dang!  Missed again.

Aha!  This human looks tasty.

I wish I took a video instead of some pictures, but that lizard did go after a moth and start heading towards me.  It actually passed within 3 inches of my boot.  I guess he doesn’t get many predators along the major hiking trail.

Further up the trail was a small waterfall, which I thought looked very picturesque. 

After that, we went to Bryce canyon, which I didn’t like quite as much but was still fantastic.  The rocks there are really cool and, if I’m not mistaken, rather unique.

Fortunately, in addition to having cool rocks, we saw much more wildlife at Bryce canyon including this Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel and Pronghorn Doe.

I also saw a Townsend’s Solitaire, which was new bird and one that I had been hoping to see at that. 

Additionally, I got some good looks at a Steller’s Jay and a Mountain Chickadee, and was able to photograph both.

Finally, since we aren’t going to Natural Bridges National Park, we stopped at the natural bridge in Bryce, which I thought was neat.

 Today [as in the real today as in the day in the title] we passed a relatively uneventful Sunday.  We had church in our hotel room and drove to Salt Lake City.  While we were in town we decided to stop by the aviary, which was small but still fun.  Unfortunately the show where they have the birds fly over your heads had to be cut short because of a thunderstorm, but we were able to take shelter and wait it out.  While we were waiting, we noticed a nest with 6 Barn Swallows in it (one you can only see the tail of).  Finally, birds that aren’t behind bars!

Outside the aviary, I saw many California Gulls, which I had never seen before.  Over-all, I had a pretty good day, considering that we weren't visiting astonishing parks or driving by commanding mountains.

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